How To Get Fair Skin Naturally


Men and Women constantly try to enhance their complexion by using various skin products available in the market. While the costs of such products are prohibitively high the results are far from satisfactory. Here are a few tips to improve your complexion and get a fair and smooth skin by using natural products and therapy.

* Wash your face and neck with cold and soft water every three hours without using any soap.

* Take cold water bath twice a day in the morning and evening.
* Vigorously rub a few drops of gingili oil with cold water till it becomes a white substance and then apply the same on your face and leave it for 10 to 15 minutes and then take bath or wash your face.
* Grind tender neem leaves into a smooth paste and apply the same on your face and leave it for 15 minutes and wash your face with soft water.
* Applying unpeeled green gram flour on the face and body as a substitute for soaps regularly at least for three months will turn your complexion smooth and fair besides keeping the body cool.
* Applying fresh lemon juice on the face will not only remove scars and black spots but also enhances the complexion and makes the skin smooth.
* Prepare a paste of sandal wood by grinding on a grinding stone and use it regularly on the face and neck. After applying allow it to dry and wash your face after a few hours for a glowing complexion and pleasant odor throughout the day.
* Use of home made turmeric paste also improves the quality of skin.
* For a brighter skin apply coconut milk or two days old curd on the face regularly for 30 days continuously.

All the above tips are both remedies and preventive care in protecting the skin as well as enhancing the complexion in a natural way.

Khushk Baalon Kay Totkay

Remedies for dry hair (Urdu).

Khushk baalon ko resham ki tarah narm o mulaym karny ke liay chand totkay , in totkon sy baalon ki khushki bhi khatam ho jae ge .

Tips For Longer Hair

It is important not to panic and know the fact that hair falls at a rate of about 20-100 pieces per day, which is quite normal. The growth rate of hair however is a lot slower than its falling rate, that of just half an inch in a month. But the good news is that there are ways through which one can improve hair growth very easily.

First thing is that it is important not to lose weight quickly, because that also affects the hair and their health. The hair also becomes thinner besides falling a lot because of the loss in essential nutrients to keep them healthy. There should be maintenance in balance diet in order to keep your health of the body as well as hair sound. If you want to lose some weight then do it gradually by losing only one or two pounds a week.

The hair usually grow for about two to five years and then their pace of growth gets slower and then they would start going back after six weeks or so and then again would take rest for about three to five months and then they would be replaced by a completely new set of hairs. Mostly 15% of the hairs are in the resting phase.

The stress put a reversible hair loss and if you have experienced a physical or emotional stress, then it might take around three to four weeks to get to normal. So learn how to relax. If you have health related problems then you should take appropriate measures to address them. Hairs are just an indicator to your health. There are many nutritional deficiencies that cause the hair to grow slow and then to make them thin. There could be some hormonal issues which might be the cause behind all this. You should consult a doctor for this.

It is always better to use natural ayurvedic herbal hair oils. And massaging the hair on a daily basis is also very important to ensure their proper growth. With taking these suggested measures you can do some good to your hair.

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Washing Your Face

Washing Your Face

To wash the face is an easy task. Some people think that frequent washing of the face keeps the skin fresh and whiten the complexion.  Though there is some truth in it because by washing the face the dirt particles are removed as they accumulate. The skin cleansing   naturally affects the complexion.
But the repeated action of cleansing agents might bring the dryness, itching and sometimes the breakout of acne on the skin. So too much good things sometimes ends up at the bad. It is usually thought to wash the face twice a day is best for skin care. But actually the secret of washing the face lies in the type of the skin.  And the washing is done by considering the skin type as follows:

The dry skin needs to be washed only twice in a day because the skin is already dry and the use of soap or the facial wash take away the natural skin oils by cleansing the pores. As result of it the skin get more dry and peeling with cracking of the skin is apparent in dry skin after washing. So after the use of mild cleanser the skin should be moisturized properly to replenish the skin oils. Such skin also exfoliates after every two days so that the dead cells removed as they formed.

The faces wash for the normal skin also to be done twice or thrice a day. Once at the early morning and then after coming your job or getting free from house hold works and then at night before going to bed. At night the face washing is done after cleansing and removal of all face make up. At night after washing apply moisturizer for the youthful skin complexion.

This type of skin requires the frequent washing because the oily glands of the skin are hyper active and make the skin oily after sometime. If this oil is not wiped frequently it may clog the skin pores. At such type of skin the white heads or the black heads are seen. Which are nothing just the mixture of dead cells and excessive oils of the skin with dirt particles. after each facial wash toner is applied on the face to keep the skin oil free.

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