Showing posts with label Eye Care. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Eye Care. Show all posts

Don’ts Of Eye Care

Don’t wear contact lenses for extended periods of time or overnight as this leads to complication. Don’t rub eyes frequently as this can cause an eye infection as few of us bother to wash our hands before touching our eyes. When you splash water do not do this furiously believing doing this will take away tiredness instead wash gently as splashing may hurtle the smallest dust particles or an allergen which...

Eyebrows Thinning Tips

Best tips and tricks on eyebrows thinningPowder creates both volume and color. Volume not just color is badly needed in sparse areas. Color alone (via pencils can look too harsh). Most people truly won’t know what you have done. Expect to hear “What have you done to your hair?” Stick with thinner shapes as they will look more natural. Combining powder with the stencil helps create a perfect brow edge- a must in getting...

How to Apply Mascara

How to Apply Mascara... There are a couple of ways to apply mascara. Although eye shadows define and dramatize your eyes, only your eyelashes are in a position to actually reflect colour into the eyes. So, to emphasize the colour of your eyes, you must frame them with an appropriate shade of mascara. Step 1 - First look down and brush the top lashes from the roots downwards; then look up and brush the top lashes upwards....

Younger Looking Eyes

Do you know what is actually beauty means?What is true beauty and how can you achieve it?You have your own answer regarding to these questions,but Here I must say everyone is beautiful but some body attract us more.We just need to find the ways to enhance our beauty and natural enhance feature help us more to get result.Here we give you a key tip to get younger look. Enhance Your Eyes Beauty: You can get more...

How to Get Beautiful Long Lashes

Ever see a two-year-old boy with long, curly lashes and think life isn’t fair, because your lashes are short and sparse?Well, good news is that anyone can have lengthier, eye-enhancing lashes. These tips should help you get dramatic, beautiful long lashes.Start with clean, dry lashes.Use a high-quality lash curler.Starting at the base of the lash with a down-cast eye, put a gentle but firm amount of pressure on lashes.Count...

5 Natural Ways To Take Care Of Your Eyes!

Eyes are the most precious possessions for every one. They are the first things that are mainly noticed and are better sources to express your emotions and moods. If you take good care of your eyes, it really counts much and your eyes shine with your inner self-confidence. Now-a-days, you can find countless number of eye care kits, cosmetics and make up. But, as you know, eyes are most sensitive parts of your body;...

Remedies For Dark Eye Circles

Try one home remedy at a time to get rid of the dark circles.Remedy 1: Put slices of oil-rich avocado under each eye.Remedy 2: Raw potato is yet another very useful aid. Put thin slices of raw potato over dark circles at least twice or thrice a day, every day.Remedy 3: Grate raw potatoes, add few drops of water, wrap it in a clean cloth and spread it over your eyelids.Remedy 4: Mix ground almonds and milk and apply under the eyes.Remedy 5: Crush parijat flowers (night jasmine) (see pic), mix with curds and apply this pack under...

Ankhon Ki Sehat Aur Dilkashi

Beauty Tips For Healthy Beautiful Eyes   ...

How To Make Glow in your Eyes

Beautiful eyes: Glow in the eyes basically makes your personality more charming than ever before. you must be thinking that glow in eyes would be natural and one can never get that glow in eyes. Because, it is strictly considered as the natural beauty element. The most interesting thing is, the above concept of natural eye lashes curl is no more a natural thing. However, almost every women or men whose eye lashes...

Best Mascara For Sensitive Eyes

It is a pretty well established fact that if you want to enhance your natural features, you need to use makeup such as mascara. Color in the form of eyeshadow and eyeliner can also go a long way to add to the look.Why Choose Mascara For Sensitive Eyes?But what if you have sensitive skin? The wrong makeup can make your eye sensitive, or at least more sensitive than it already is. However, the right cosmetics, mascara...

Dark circles under eyes tip

1. Take one teaspoon tomato juice, ½ teaspoon lemon juice, a pinch of turmeric (haldi) powder & a little gram flour (besan). Make a paste & apply. Leave for 10 minute & wash off.2. Drink tomato juice with a few mint leaves, little lemon juice & salt w Soak cotton wool in cucumber (kheera) or potato juice & apply around the eyes. You will find a change in 2-3 weeks.3. Eyes strain due to TV watching4....

How to cure puffy eyes

A lot of our readers have asked for solutions to puffy eyes. Following tips are some of the tips that have helped our friends in reducing puffy eyes: Place cold cucumber slices on your eyes. It is the cold temperature that is helping rather than the product itself. The aroma, however, can be soothing and relaxing. Slice them into discs and let them float in cool tap water for a few minutes. Shake them off well before...

How To Make Eyebrows Grow Faster

Apply castor oil on your eyebrows every night before sleep. If your eyelashes are short then apply them on your eyelids too.Castor oil darkens the brow and promotes hair growth.1. Grab a small soft-bristled toothbrush...2. Determine with part of your eyebrows you want to grow3. Rub firmly over the area in small circles but not too hard. You could end up just irritating the skin!4. Continue rubbing for about 3-5 minu...

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