Showing posts with label Natural Beauty Tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Natural Beauty Tips. Show all posts

Face And Body Pack With Lemon And Milk

A fresh lime may be squeezed into a cup of milk to which a teaspoon of glycerin may be added. Stir well. Apply it on your face, neck, hands, legs and feet, an hour before retiring to bed. Keep it on for half an hour and then wash off. This application every night will make the skin look younger and beautiful. This application works well on pimples and scars, is good for cracked soles and palms, dryness of face...

How To Get Fair Skin Naturally

HOW TO GET FAIR SKIN NATURALLY: Men and Women constantly try to enhance their complexion by using various skin products available in the market. While the costs of such products are prohibitively high the results are far from satisfactory. Here are a few tips to improve your complexion and get a fair and smooth skin by using natural products and therapy. * Wash your face and neck with cold and soft water every three...

5 Natural Ways To Take Care Of Your Eyes!

Eyes are the most precious possessions for every one. They are the first things that are mainly noticed and are better sources to express your emotions and moods. If you take good care of your eyes, it really counts much and your eyes shine with your inner self-confidence. Now-a-days, you can find countless number of eye care kits, cosmetics and make up. But, as you know, eyes are most sensitive parts of your body;...

Treatment for Wrinkles Around Lips

Lip wrinkles are the fine or deep lines that occur around the mouth and lips. As we get older this area is often one of the first to develop wrinkles. Like most wrinkles on the face, sun exposure, genetics and smoking (smokers lines) are strong contributors to the development of these wrinkles. Unfortunately these wrinkles progressively worsen with time, often making individuals look older. No matter how accepting...

Natural Facial Hair Remover (Face)

This recipe will remove facial hair. You will need : Egg white Sugar - 1 tsp Corn Flour- 1/2 tsp Procedure: Blend the egg white with sugar and corn flour. Blend it well until it becomes a sticky paste. Apply the mixture to your face. When it dries gently peel it off. Repeat this three to four times a we...

Natural ways of making lips pink and smooth

One of our readers recently asked how to get pink lips naturally. So we decided to get some information for all of you. Following are some of the tips you can use to get beautiful pink lips naturally. Rose Petals Crush four, five petals of red rose and coat the paste on the lips. Apart from instant reddening, it will also give smoothness to the lips. Apply every day, 2-3 times, to find yourself with luscious lips....

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