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Facial Say Jild Saaf Shafaf

Tips to get Clear Face

Useful beauty care tips to get clean and clear face.

Normal And Combination Skin Care Tips

This is the perfect, balanced skin type. It has a healthy glow, with a fine texture and no open pores. It rarely develops spots or shiny areas. In fact, it is quite rare to find a normal skin, especially as all skins tend to become slightly drier as you get older.

Normal skin care Tips

Eye make-up should always be removed carefully. Going to bed with mascara on can lead to sore, puffy eyes. Applying new make-up on the top of stale makeup is positively urthygenic too.

Splash your face with water, then massage in a gentle facial wash and work it up to a lather for about 30 seconds. Take this opportunity to lightly massage your face, as this will boost the supply of blodd to the surface of your skin – which will result in a rosier complexion.
Rinse with clear water, then pat your face with soft towel to absorv residual water from the surface of your skin. Do not rub eyes.
Cool your skin with a freshening toner.
Putt moisturizer onto your face, then massage it with your fingertips using light, gentle upward strokes.
Follow a regular skincare routine to keep normal skin as fresh as a daisy.
Mash 1/4 of a ripe banana. Apply on the face, taking care to avoid the areas under the eye. Leave it on for 10 minutes, then wash off with cool water. Banana is excellent to do away with dead skin that makes your skin look lifeless. Regular use of banana gives your skin a fresh, healthy glow.
Home Remedies For Combination Skin
  1. Always keep a small bottle of rose water in the refrigerator. Saturate a bit of clean cotton with cool rose water and dab liberally on your face. Enjoy the fresh feeling.
  2. Take 3-4 tbsp of ripe, deseeded papaya pulp. Mash well and cool in the refrigerator. Apply on face and leave it on for 10-15 minutes, then wash off with cool water. Papaya helps normalize combination or oily skin and gives it a beautiful healthy glow.

Make Your Skin Attractive

Skincare is as necessary as taking food for your body. Beautiful skin improves the beauty of a woman. With soft and clear skin, you can enjoy a healthy lifestyle.
Anywhere you will go, the center of attention will be you. Without a proper knowledge, you can damage the healthy texture of the skin. Choose some of the best skin care products and know how to apply them for getting a beautiful look.
You can also follow a few beauty regimes to protect the skin from any harmful effects. Some beauty skin tips are essential to exfoliate your appearance. Such tips will also tell you how you can pamper your skin with some home beauty treatments.
Guidelines for healthy skin:
You might be well-informed that cleansing the skin, you can get a healthy and glowing texture of it. It is a wonderful process through which you can add glow to your skin. The process helps in removing dirt and oil from the skin. Every day, after coming back from outside, apply this process.
Exfoliation wipes off dead skin cells from the skin. You have to do it with gentle hand. Only twice a week, focus on this beauty care treatment.
MoisturizingFor a healthy and hydrated skin, moisturizing is so important. You can choose a water based moisturizer if your skin is oily. Oil based formula is good for dry skin type women. Every night it should be applied
Sunscreen protection is very crucial for your skin. A good sunscreen lotion makes the skin soft and smooth. The main purpose of the product is to prevent the skin from sun damage. Apply SPF 15 or SPF 20 or SPF 30 if you want to protect the skin from the harsh effects of the sun.
Water solution
Drink around 8 to 9 glasses of water daily. It hydrates the whole body and adds glow and glamor to the skin.
Proper sleepRegular sleep gives the skin healthy texture. At least 7 to 8 hours of sleep is necessary for all. In addition, don’t take alcohol or cigarette if you want to enjoy a healthy skin.

Skin care home recipe
* Collect some orange peel and make a paste of orange peel and rose water. Apply the combination on the skin. You will be surprised by the glowing effects of your skin.
* Make a face mask with the help of egg white and honey. Gently massage it on your skin. It will eliminate tan from the face.
* Cleansing with cucumber adds glow to the skin. Mixing cucumber juice with milk, you get a wonderful cleanser.
* To pamper oily skin type, make a mixture of lemon, grapes, egg white. After leaving it for 20 minutes, rinse the preparation with warm water. Lemon will offer your skin the cleansing effects. Grapes add softness to the skin. Egg white will make the skin firmer.

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