Homemade Sugar Body Scrub.

Obtain a nice sugar body scrub in less than 2 min. How? easy and simple By Using Olive oil, sugar and lemon.

1/4 of Olive oil or enough ( unheated) quantity, You don't want too much nor too little of oil.
1/2 of sugar
1/2 squeezed lemon

Add everything in a small container

For scent or fragrance you can choose from body scented oils.

Scrub gently the mixture on your body and face. Be more gentle on the face and sensitive areas. Rinse with warm water and body soap.

Use this at least once a week or twice a month to obtain a healthy soft skin.

I often follow this application with a mixture of Honey, lemon and Yogurt mixture to obtain a baby skin type of sensation. I will be posting more details about this mixture in my next post.

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